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Tuesday 31 May 2016

Homeopathy and mind

Homoeopaty works on Manomay Kosha :  

Homeopathy  works on the manomay kosha, the mental body.

The founder of homeopathy, Hahnemann, discovered one of the greatest things ever discovered, and that was:

the smaller the quantity of the medicine, the deeper it goes. He called the method of making homeopathic medicine “potentizing.”

They go on reducing the quantity of the medicine. He would work in this way:

 he would take a certain amount of medicine and would mix it with ten times the amount of milk sugar or with water.

One quantity of medicine, nine quantities of water; he would mix them. Then he would again take one quantity of this new solution, and would again mix it with nine times more water, or milk sugar.

 In this way he would go on:

again from the new solution he would take one quantity and would mix it with nine times more water.

 This he would do, and the potency would increase. By and by, the medicine reaches the atomic level.

 It becomes so subtle that you cannot believe that it can work; it has almost disappeared.

That is what is written on homeopathic medicines, the potency: ten potency, twenty potency, one hundred potency, one thousand potency.

The bigger the potency, the smaller is the amount.

With ten thousand potency, a millionth of the original medicine has remained, almost none.

It has almost disappeared, but then it enters the deepest core of manomay.

 It enters into your mind-body. . It is almost as if you have reached the atomic, or even the sub-atomic level.

 Then it does not touch your body. Then it does not touch your vital body; it simply enters.

It is so subtle and so small that it comes across no barriers.

It can simply slip into the manomay kosha, into the mental body, and from there it starts working.

You have found an even bigger authority than the pranamay.


Health habits for good life

Cancer and homeopathy

Dear friends....

We waited for this case year's together....

Previously he lost his because of vocal cord cancer...

He taking homeopathic treatment since 4 years....

He gained his voice... And speaking well....

But, as usual  we struggled  to  reduce pathological growths in scan... (what patient and his relatives expected)

Finally we got it.

Thanks to great dr.boenninghausen and his methodology.

Medicine used;

Phosphorus in LM potencies

By doctor sivakumaran

More at

Saturday 21 May 2016

Eye exercise chart ...

Eye exercise chart ...

For your complete eye health.....

How we will make our health better further????

How we will make our health better further????

Its is better to add goodness, (ЁЯНЛЁЯНЗЁЯНУЁЯНЙЁЯННЁЯМ▒ЁЯМ┐☘ЁЯНАЁЯНДЁЯНН ) and exercises to our body  and mind...(

Than trying to remove diseases....


Listen please....

The other day I was preparing fresh lime water for the first time.

 I ended up adding five times the amount of lemon than needed.

  I tasted it..

so sour....

 I had to correct it anyhow.

 How I wish I could remove some lemon juice from water to make it taste perfect again!

But alas! Some things can never be  undone.  Some things can never be changed.

 There was no way to remove the extra lime.

 So what was the solution then?

The only way to correct this was to add four more glasses of water and dilute the lemon juice to make five glasses of fresh lime water.

This made me think..

 Sometimes we cannot undo some things that have gone wrong in life.

 Some wrong decisions, wrong choices, wrong investments, wrong actions, wrong associations, wrong words or wrong doings can never be undone.

So what is the solution then?

When you cannot correct what is wrong, do not waste more time over it.

  It is like attempting to remove lemon from water. Instead, get busy in adding so many right things in your life that the wrong seems insignificant.

We all have a negative side to ourselves. We may not be able to remove or correct all our negativities.

But we can definitely continue adding positive thoughts, positive reading and positive people in our lives and dilute the negativity.

We all have to deal with some easy people and some difficult people in our lives.

Do not waste time trying to change the difficult people.

 You will drain all your emotional energy in vain.

 Instead spend more time with the pleasant positive happy people and the difficult people will not affect you any more.

Everything in your life will never be perfect. Do not waste too much time correcting what is wrong.

 Get busy doing the right things and eat live natural ways ..............

That's good .....

Hope u understand....

Go ahead.

Wednesday 4 May 2016

How to CURE diabetes?!!

How to CURE diabetes?!!

With in 90 day's.....

Without medicine...

By doctor sivakumaran

1. Eat all LOCAL fruits.

Like Orange, Grapes, Chikku , Mangoes.

All fruits have FRUCTOSE so it doesn't matter that u r eating a mango over an Apple.

A Mango comes from around your space and climate. But Apple and dates from Kashmir and UAE .

So Mango is more local to u.

Eat all the above fruits in DIABETES as the FRUCTOSE will eventually manage ur SUGAR

2 . Choose Seed oils than Veggie oils.

Like choose ground nut, mustard, coconut and sea same seed oil.

  Don't choose packing oils, like olive,  rice bran etc

Go for cold pressed oils than refined oils .

Eat GHEE daily. ЁЯРВDesi cow ghee best.

How much GHEE we should eat depends on food. Few foods need more GHEE then eat more n vice versa.

Eat ample GHEE. It REDUCES cholesterol.

Include COCONUT. Either scraped coconut over food  or chutney.

ЁЯМ┤Coconut has ZERO CHOLESTEROL and it makes ur WAIST SLIM ЁЯТГ.

Don't eat oats, cereals for breakfast.

They are packaged food n we don't need them.

Also they are tasteless and boring. Don't start your  day with boring stuff.

Breakfast should be happy and healthy. a days,  New adds coming like,  of biscuits - fibre in every bite...  Even biscuits has fibre, likewise oats have fibre. Don't chose them for fibre.

Instead of oats, eat natives minor millets.ЁЯСН

5. No JUICES till u having teeth in ur mouth to chew veggies n fruits.ЁЯННЁЯНКЁЯНЙЁЯНЗЁЯНЛ

6 . SUGARCANE is d real DETOX . Drink d juice fresh or eat d SUGARCANE

7 . For pcos, thyroid - do strength training and weight training and avoid all packaged food .

8. RICE - eat regular WHITE RICE. NO NEED of Brown rice. Brown rice needs 5-6 whistles to cook n when it tires ur pressure cooker, then why do u want to tire ur tummy.

A white rice is hand pounded simple rice

Rice is not high in GI INDEX.  Rice has medium GI index n by eating it with dhal, we bring its GI index further down ЁЯМ╛

If we take ghee over this daal chawal then d GI INDEX is brought further down.

Rice has some rich minerals n u can eat it even three times a day

9. How much should we eat - eat more if u r more hungry, let ur stomach be ur guide and vice versa

10. We can eat rice n chapati together or only rice if u wish. It depends on ur hunger. Eat RICE in ALL THREE MEALS without any fear.

(Rice is good than wheat)

11. Food shouldn't make u scared like eating rice n ghee. Food should make u FEEL GOOD

12 . NEVER look at CALORIES. Look at NUTRIENTS

13 . No bread, biscuits, cakes, pizza, pasta

14. Ask yourself is this the food my grand parents ate?  If yes then eat without fear.

(Palio diet)

15. Eat as per ur season.  Ur hunger is as per season. Few seasons we need fried food so eat them.

16 . ADD goat or desi cow milk if necessary.

 But it is better to have soya milk or take Cotton seed milk.

17 . NO GREEN tea and coffee plz. No green, yellow, purple, blue tea.

18 .ЁЯМ┤ Eat ALL of your TRADITIONAL foods ЁЯМ┐


ЁЯНЮЁЯНФЁЯзАЁЯНХЁЯМнЁЯМоЁЯМп Strictly NO to packaged foods/drinks and nonvegetarianism ЁЯН╗ЁЯН╢ЁЯН╛ЁЯН╣ЁЯН╖ЁЯН╕ЁЯН║ЁЯНЧЁЯНЦЁЯНд

ЁЯЪ╢ЁЯПГExercise/Walk more to digest & stay healthy.ЁЯТк

If necessary consult near by naturopath or genuine homeopathic physician.

Doctor sivakumaran


Sunday 1 May 2016

Cancer and Homeopathy

Cancer and Homeopathy

Cancer is an abnormal malignant growth of cells.

Cancer can arise inside a duct in the breast, bronchial tube in the lungs, or in the lining of the uterus, stomach, or bowel.
When a cancer arises in the epithelial tissue, it is called carcinomas (cancer of the breast, stomach, womb, skin, tongue, or lungs).

When it originates in the connective tissue (bone, and muscle), it is called sarcomas.
Leukemia is a malignant neoplasm of the blood-forming tissues. It usually begins in the bone marrow.

Lymphomas is the disease of the blood-forming organs and lymphatic system. One type is Hodgkins disease.
In central nervous system, the cancer begins in the tissue of the spinal cord.

Homeopathy in Practice
Cancer is multi-miasmatic. It is made of many miasmatic layers. A series of homeopathic nosodes are required to remove the multi-miasmatic milieu.

1. Psora addresses the breeding ground for cancer.

2. Sycosis addresses the productive manifestation of cutaneous neoformation of tumors.

3.Carcinosinum addresses the predisposition and susceptibility of the organism to get cancer.

Anti-Cancer Diet

Avoid a high-fat diet. It increases the risk of developing cancer.

Add desi cow milk.  Avoid other  milk and milk products, especially cheese. They contain tumor-promoting growth hormones.

Add fresh fruits.

Artificial Sugar feeds cancer cells. Avoid packed foods. Stay away from pasta, baked goods, , smoke and alcohol.

Garlic has anti-fungal properties. Before breakfast take a very tiny piece of garlic and crush it with a knife. Swallow it with a glass of water.

Maximize your intake of fresh, organic vegetables. Eat vegetables from a variety of colors–dark green, rich yellow, deep orange, and red. They protect against cancer.

Blueberries have antioxidant properties: include them with your morning breakfast.
Get high protein intake from turkey, nuts, and seeds.

Drink eight to ten glasses of water per day, to help flush out toxins.

Keep acid-base balance.

Follow 10 food combination rules.

Leading Homeopathic Remedies for Cancer
Carbo animalis is indicated when a lump looks suspicious.

Thuya treats cancerous disposition of all types of cancer.

Phytolacca treats both a malignant or benign tumor

Conium treats indurated nodules

China is used after a surgical intervention

Radium bromatum is indicated for ill effect of radiation

Arsenicum album treats anxiety, fear of death

Calcarea fluorica treats sarcoma, connective tissues and muscle

Radium bromatum treats leukemia in children

Tarentula cubensis indicated for lymphoma

Condurango slows the evolution of a fast growing tumor

Hydratis treats cancerous conditions, ill effect of chemo, when one is unable to eat food

Scrofularia treats a breast tumor

Benzolum is indicated in the treatment of leukemia

Hekla lava treats sarcoma, cancer of the bone

Baryta iodatum treats cancer of the breast

Lachesis treats cancer of the ovaries

Crotalus horridus treats prostatic carcinoma

Ornithogallum treats intestinal tumor, colon cancer, and cancer of the stomach

Homeopathic Liver Detoxification

Berberis vulgaris


Vitis vinifera





 Kreosotum having helped lot of cases.

Natural Supplements for Cancer

Take a multivitamin in addition to eating a wholesome diet.

A liquid, vitamin B-12 supplement supports the making of new cells.

Vitamin C helps stop  the growth of cancer cells.

Probiotics help improve digestive health after chemo.

Clinical experience

Clinical experience.

2 yr old non pregnant heifer yield 2lit of milk ,

I gave puls ,not worked

 On  the doubt of, feeding may have more oxytocin.

Asked  to stop artificial packed feedings.

Give her natural green feeding.

Now she is OK.

Doctor sivakumaran

can we prescribe only with single symptoms?

*Single symptom prescribing is gambling* Many remedies he knows only by keynotes.  If these keynotes are used as a reference to ...